Melbourne’s natural pain relief clinic – Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs & Advice

Pain relief clinic
Whatever pain you are feeling, Andrew at Acupuncture Richmond will develop a treatment approach especially for you – not just to ease the pain now but also for the long-term. How? Through acupuncture, possibly Chinese herbs, and exercise and lifestyle advice. The focus? You getting better faster.
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Treating both acute and chronic pain
- Migraines
- Shoulder pain
- Jaw pain
- Arthritis
- Neck pain
- Elbow pain
- Period pain
- Sinus pain
- Lower back pain
- Digestive pain
- Ankle sprain
- Knee pain

Nervous about acupuncture?
This is a very natural concern when you are considering acupuncture for the first time. When most of us hear the word needle we think of the hypodermic needles that are used when injecting into the skin for vaccinations or into veins for blood tests. A standard hypodermic needle used for blood testing is an 18-guage needle which is 1.27 mm in diameter.
Acupuncture needles are very different. Firstly they are so much thinner in diameter and secondly not hollow with a razor sharp cutting edge. Andrew uses a maximum diameter needle of 0.25 mm which is designed to glide smoothly into the skin tissue.
The photo illustrates that acupuncture needles are so much thinner than a hypodermic. Additionally they are inserted using Andrew’s well developed acupuncture technique making the insertion process almost sensationless.

Acupuncture for Neurological conditions

Acupuncture for Cardiovascular disorders

Acupuncture for Respiratory conditions

Acupuncture for Digestive system disorders

Acupuncture for Urogenital disorders

Acupuncture for Gynaecological and obstetric disorders

Acupuncture for Skin conditions

Acupuncture for Eye conditions

Acupuncture for Musculoskeletal disorders

Acupuncture for Emotional conditions

Acupuncture for Metabolic/Endocrine conditions